Trumped!--JESUIT Trained Donald J. Trump Is Part Of The Pope's Laudato Si' Plan; The Foundation Document For The Green New Deal, And The World Economic Forum's, WEF, Agenda 21/30.
Along With JESUIT Trained Fauci, JESUIT Honoree 'Build Back Better Joe' Biden, (Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University and is paid to lobby for the Jesuit University of Scranton. Joe Biden was also given an honorary Doctorate Degree from the Jesuit University of Scranton (1979) and from the Jesuit Order’s St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, (1981),) and JESUIT Trained Klaus Schwab's 'Great Reset' To Destroy Capitalism And Enslaves Humanity Like The Dark Ages, When The 'pope' Reigned Supreme. JESUIT Trained Anthony Fauci--Domestic Terrorist . . . Supported By One Liken To Judas Iscariot--JESUIT Trained President Donald J. Trump. Both JESUITS Sold America Out!
The papacy, the 'pope' of Rome wants to control the world the way the 'popes' did during the Dark Ages. People owned nothing, and worked the land to give the fruits of their labors to a lord or king. The papacy, the 'pope' under this system of having serfs on the land gave the Roman Catholic 'church' its most control over the world. The plan under the 'pope's' Laudato Si' project:
The pope went on to praise the work of the Laudato Si project, adding that the pursuit of integral ecology entails "responding to the cry of the Earth, responding to the cry of the poor, green economics, adopting a simple lifestyle, green education, green spirituality, and community engagement." Ninety Percent PURGE of All Humanity Required for Papacy controlled United Nations, UN, Sustainable Development --(Agenda 21 now Called 2030 Agenda) Georgia Guidestones . . .
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28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Note: Fear God! Not satan. God has the power to kill the soul and destroy both the soul and body in hell. Fear Him, fear God! Matthew 10:28 is NOT referring to satan, for satan is not spoken of having that power/authority at all. This is spoken of God Himself, who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.
The 'pope' IS HONORED ABOVE ALL BY GIVEN NAMES WITH EXALTED TITLES among which he claims to be "the Lord our God," and thus presents himself as a counterfeit Christ, a rival Christ, having names of blasphemy . . .